Naming Your Business

Believe it or not, I get quite a few clients who ask me about what to name their business. While there is no silver bullet solution, it is quite easy to determine…

Cold Hard Truth 2 of 8: Start With Why

Here’s the Cold Hard Truth preview of truth number 2 of 8 on starting with why. Watch the full Cold Hard Truth presentation on Resources Book: Start With Why by Simon…

Let Your Life Shine

Sandra Gabriel and Chantal Pereira come together to share who they are, why they are here and their plan to help entrepreneurs journey through life, branding and business. As a life strategy…

Leave Your Job, Love Your Life

If you work for an employer but you’re bursting with energy and ideas to start your own business or initiative, then you’ve probably been wondering how to go about leaving your job…

Securing Sponsors for Your Business

Startup and small businesses are finding it a challenge to create and manage effective marketing campaigns when they have little to no budget, but corporations spend $17billion on sponsorships each year

My Story

Since 2005, Sandra has worked with entrepreneurs around the world to start, launch, promote and grow their brands. Using signature Business Consulting and Brand Strategy programs, Sandra coaches entrepreneurs to clearly define their business and brand to effectively position them in their markets, communicate with their audience and build a trusting and loyal community.

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