Gini Dietrich, founder and CEO of integrated marketing communications firm, Arment Dietrich and author of Spin Sucks, shared her step-by-step, week-to-week, quarter-to-quarter formula with Inc. Magazine for creating your own media relations…
Over a week ago I finally got onto Periscope and did a little test, asking viewers to help me choose a Netflix movie to watch for the night but then I started…

I often look in the mirror and see someone who is cute, pretty, beautiful sometimes even sexy, but one day in the process of subconscious thought, I looked in the mirror and…
I’m sure there are probably a lot of new developments and interesting things happening in your business, but you have to be sure that you don’t miss an opportunity to share the…
Congratulations! You’ve created an astounding sponsorship package and got one or more sponsors on board, but this is actually where the real work begins. Sponsors want to know that you have thought…
The scriptures say that faith without works is dead. So you could have all the faith in the world, but if you’re not taking action, your faith will get you no where.…
How do you get journalists and bloggers to write about your start up? How do journalists and bloggers find start ups that are worth writing about? Read my response below then click…
If you’re thinking of using Public Relations to launch your brand or a new product or service, the below launch checklist might help. In her Fast Company article, Wendy Marx, founder of Marx…