PR is not advertising. In fact they are pretty much on opposite ends of the spectrum. Here’s the difference: An advertising message is a paid endorsement with a specific and controlled message.…
If you are multi-talented, serial entrepreneur who gets asked time and again what you do, chances are you tend to over explain yourself and it gets boring or even confusing to whoever…

All the things I wanted in my twenties I had by my early thirties … Marriage, three beautiful children, a house , paid off, car and many upper management positions making a…

It’s funny how we put so much importance on things that don’t matter . . . You may have read in my story how I faced eviction 3 times. Just to clarify,…
You may or may not know this, but only 2% of women describe themselves as “beautiful”. Women literally spend billions on beauty products and it wasn’t too long ago that surgical and…

I wasn’t someone who grew up wanting my own business. I originally organized my agency as a coach, educator and curriculum creator because of an annual business plan contest I learned about…
I know I preach a lot about changing your mind so you can live a better and more fulfilled life, so this is just me preaching it again, but from a different…
According to research from SheKnows and Harris Interactive, 79% of women ages 25 to 54 used Facebook regularly, compared with a 35% who said they regularly visited YouTube, 30% who said the same of Pinterest,…